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The Faces of Convergence e-book is a collection of 34 short essays by people who made major contributions to the process of convergence in the countries that joined the EU in the three waves of eastern enlargement …


FinConf 2019 is an extremely useful event. In general, there is a lot of misunderstanding about technology. Bringing together such an impressive list of experts will give clarity to participants, the public and policy makers …


Ever since I started working in the area of Technical Assistance (TA) I have sometimes felt like a salesperson knocking on door to door and offering gadgets that no one actually wants. I have always wondered about that …


My iPhone: “How does XXX (the actual name of a bank) sound like? I can give you directions,” replies Siri and a map pops up on my screen with directions how to get to the bank. This is the actual conversation I had …


Based on experience in largest advanced economies, many have suggested that emerging economies should „print money“ to grow out of the stagnation/crisis. Life would be …


Financial exclusion does not have only microeconomic consequences as those excluded have less opportunity to grow out of poverty and prosper. It can have macroeconomic …

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